"It would have sickened but not surprised her how the most privileged in today's society destroyed democracy and the social welfare state to enrich themselves." ... you write my thoughts ... thank you
Thanks John. I too have a mother born during the rise of Nazism — 1938, but in England to working class parents. She remembers the children her parents that were sent to took in during the air raids on London. My mother met my father, a Texan in the USAF in 1955, and they married in 1956. Many similarities, war and second class citizenship shaped her existence. The latter — the eternal fight for equal representation and life under patriarchy, and the former — the back-to-back, never ending wars of men, ruin the lives of everyone, even the greedy and ignorant. I’ll raise glass to all mothers everywhere.
Wow, this is powerful writing, thanks for sharing.
"It would have sickened but not surprised her how the most privileged in today's society destroyed democracy and the social welfare state to enrich themselves." ... you write my thoughts ... thank you
Thanks John. I too have a mother born during the rise of Nazism — 1938, but in England to working class parents. She remembers the children her parents that were sent to took in during the air raids on London. My mother met my father, a Texan in the USAF in 1955, and they married in 1956. Many similarities, war and second class citizenship shaped her existence. The latter — the eternal fight for equal representation and life under patriarchy, and the former — the back-to-back, never ending wars of men, ruin the lives of everyone, even the greedy and ignorant. I’ll raise glass to all mothers everywhere.