Jun 26Liked by JM Smith

Like you, John, I hope Jeremy Corbyn will be elected to represent Islington North once again. I also hope that there will be other independent MPs and an increase in the number of MPs from the smaller parties. I hope that the SNP will lose seats because they are actually blocking Scotland's route to independence. It's a bleak election where we know it's inevitable that the Uniparty will keep control, but perhaps the good people of Holborn and St Pancras will brighten the horizon by electing Andrew Feinstein as their MP. That would be something to celebrate!

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I agree with everything you say in this comment!

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Jun 26Liked by JM Smith

Thanks, John.

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Jun 27Liked by JM Smith

There was a time when an election offered a little hope for change... democracy is supposed to encourage dissent. How have we let corporations run the political class?

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Jun 27Liked by JM Smith

In U.S,, Reagan and moneyed Republicans came to power and preached the ridiculous trickle-down theory, then he went after unions, then education, and more. IMO, Reagan was the beginning of our current end. I think there is capitalism and then toxic capitalism that instead of investing in the business & its workers, sells stock to enrich CEOs and stockholders. Now add a corrupt Supreme Court that has the gall to say a corporation is a person!! So now there is the 1% that does not believe in democracy of the people but in absolute power & money.

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I agree it all started with Reagan and Thatcher.

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