It is wonderful to remember that there was an England that once prized its NHS and was proud to stand alone against the Nazis in 1940. Nothing has appalled me more than the way Labour and Conservative leaders rushed to appease "Der Trumpfuhrer"; compared to them, even Neville Chamberlain had backbone.

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It is always interesting to read this substack and nice to have some optimism that ordinary people could make a change for the better.

I hope we don’t need the bloodshed of WW2 before reaching the sunlit uplands.

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You are mistaken. America made its peaceful transition to Fascism in 2000 when the Democrats capitulated to Bush v Gore, and locked the door against turning back with the Patriot Act.

The Democrats are the real Fascists because they believe in the merger of corporate and government power so long as the leaders appear diverse. Trump doesn't know what Fascism is; he's just a narcissistic carnival barker.

He will also most likely end the Ukraine War and pull us back from the brink of a nuclear war with Russia. That makes his election a net positive as far as I'm concerned because of that issue alone, but wait! There's more!

Elon Musk said he feared a Harris Administration would have shut down TwitterX. I have no doubts that he was correct. Chances are they would have shut down Substack as well. With Trump at least we don't have to worry about that.

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Bull Shit! Media of any kind is at it's greatest threat level under trump. Well except maybe Xtwiter because Elon paid big to have it so. Take a look at Hungarian media. Report back.

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Thank you for these thoughts.

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