Oct 22, 2023Liked by JM Smith

Happy Birthday John! What a delightful perspective you have, I really appreciated this today, that you find yourself good company - and that you will have cake, on your birthday! Our strange society that we have evolved, means many of us live alone, far from any relations, as we get older, and birthdays are more and more a solitary affair. I wish you the best, with your celebrations, and with a healthy and comfortable year ahead, and the chance to get a lot of the great work you are taking on, done! Lots of love from Portugal

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Happy Birthday John, hope thete are many more 🙏🍰🍷

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by JM Smith

All the best my friend.

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by JM Smith

Enjoy your birthday, and many, many more.

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Oct 23, 2023Liked by JM Smith

Happy (belated) Birthday John & thank you always for the perspective, the anger, the mordant humour & the tenderness in your writing.

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Cheers, Comrade!

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by JM Smith

Keep up the writing. It’s very interesting.

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by JM Smith

Slainte mhath, John, and many happy returns of the day. I hope that the year ahead will be more peaceful for you personally, even if the outside world continues to be in turmoil. Having a purpose in life makes such a difference and you have plenty to keep you busy with writing, editing, and planning ways to preserve your brother's artwork. As well as those who know and love you, you also have this little community wishing you well and following your progress with great interest.

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by JM Smith

Happy birthday, John. May the reaper spare you until you’re able to complete your work

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