Jan 28Liked by JM Smith

I'm still wearing a mask, I believe a barrier acts as a barrier and has helped keep me safe. I'm also vaccinated, whilst that choice is down to each individual, k believe it to be the right one. What I find hard is the feeling that nothing is ever going to go back to 'normal', whilst everyone carries on as though it is. That's without the horrors of climate change, a government seemingly trying to kill off as much and as many as possible one way or another

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No sir...you are not superfluous. Your work, this piece, is necessary. Looking back, I’ll be 64 soon, I would ascribe “absurdity” as the reigning zeitgeist of our time. I will add, as brief as possible, and in contrast to OB and Janice above, my own vaccination story as anecdote. I’m a military brat and veteran. I’ve been vaccinated for pretty much everything there is a vaccine for. Some of my earliest memories are going to the base hospital to get them, and the vaccination booklets that accompanied them. Yellow and green. I discovered the v-booklets were color coded when I joined and received my first active duty version. It was blue. I have received all five available shots and boosters. I contacted Covid-19 a year ago, testing positive for 11 days. I was lucky. My reaction to all five C-19 shots was mild euphoria, similar to what I had experienced in my early 40’s with MDMA. I contacted C-19 from my roommate and best friend, as I knew I eventually would. I experienced the same euphoria those 11 days. I would have never known I had C-19 if my roommate’s experience had been similar.

I was lucky. I’ve known since an early age how vaccines work. I also have an understanding of why 40+% of humanity are vaccine hesitant, and another 40+% just do not care, for the same reason that you do.


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Vaccination is a fraud. This has been proven and health authorities have agreed. I have had 3 jabs and still got Covid. I now refuse to have any more relying on my natural immunity. Here in NZ nobody wears a mask and society goes along largely as before.

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It's not Covid that will get you--you've already had it and are mostly immune--it's the experimental treatment for it that's already probably killed at least 50,000 otherwise healthy Americans under 50.

Masks will not protect you against a coronavirus. They're physically too small for masks to prevent transmission, though masks DO build up bacteria if you don't change them every few hours.

Just trying to help; Covid is just another form of the common cold and there is no cure for that other than natural immunity.

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