May 30Liked by JM Smith

I think you've just described what the ruling class wishes as the "factory default" for the general population. Anyone who can say they don't feel even one of those things should understand that they are privileged in some way.

Even worse, it seems there are too many who don't understand or simply ignore the fact that it is way easier to slide down the ladder than to climb it. That ignorance may be the biggest barrier to even the most basic empathy for those that are struggling.

I've heard the phrase "There but for the grace of God, go I" used too often as a way for people to pay themselves on the back rather than as the warning it was meant to be.

Keep rowing, John.

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Well said. Here in the United States these past months of the US/Israeli genocide in Gaza and the West Bank has just broken every last illusion and torched every last scrap of pretense about this country being a "beacon of democracy." We are a mockery of democracy.

In case you haven't seen it, this column was featured in a US podcast: "Revealed: Why Everyone in America Feels Exhausted" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKHL5FU2L6M

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John, your writing is amazing. Keep it up if you can. Good thoughts to you.

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Thank you.

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lol. I just saw your bio ..

You’re a left - winger.

I’m a total opposite.. but we all agree on this point 🙏

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I feel just like you .. it’s exhausting & watching the younger people in my family is heartbreaking 💔 , knowing what’s coming ..

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What do u think is coming?

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That is tomorrow's essay it drops in about 12 hours.

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Economic Depression / War on American soil

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Unlike the 19th century there are not a dozen kids in each hovel or paupers grave.

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