Hello John. Stop taking your statins. They are another big pharma ploy. Since my brother stopped them, he sleeps better, doesn't get up in the night for the toilet as often and the pains in his legs have stopped. His health has actually improved with no harm to his heart. Thanks for this article. We have a far right wing coalition govt which is pricing everything to see how much they can privatize and sell off. By the time the next election swings around, there will be nothing left except more homelessness, hunger, poverty and less hope.

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Statins are bastardized red rice yeast . Which although cheaper and the original drug . Are not needed . I reversed my heart disease 12 years ago . Serrapeptase 120 IU &. EDTA chelation. 90 capsules taken every day til gone . The 1st one dissolved the clots and the 2nd removes the calcium buildup from arteries. Doctors know but , no money in cures .

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I am interested in this and have several questions, if you don't mind.

What clots did 120 IU of serrapeptase dissolve? 90 tablets of what? EDTA chelation hasn't been studied much yet. What evidence do you have for these results? You took these once 12 years ago and you're set for life?

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I ordered 120 IU capsules of Dr’s Best Serrapeptase from Amazon and 1000 mg EDTA chelation 180 capsules from Supersmart , also Amazon.

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When Hitler realized that simply moving/relocating the Jews out of Germany was too difficult logistically he reverted to simply shooting them and putting them in mass graves.

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Serrapeptase may be beneficial in treating atherosclerosis, a condition where plaque builds up inside your arteries.

It’s thought to act by breaking down dead or damaged tissue and fibrin — a tough protein formed in blood clots.

This could enable serrapeptase to dissolve plaque in your arteries or dissolve blood clotsTrusted Source that may lead to stroke or heart attack.

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My legs had poor circulation before I used both products. And after 1 month in , I could feel my legs speed up from a painful limp to power walking now

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EDTA chelation was used during WW 2 , to treat the middle aged painters for lead poisoning. A side effect that got hushed up was that some of the men lost their heart conditions. I rediscovered it by myself and my well read Jewish friend confirmed he did it also and cleaned his arteries. I only did it that one time and had a technician doing a stint clot removal and I was awake during it and he said both sides were clear . The stint put in 2006 was for a 95% closing. With the other side 75% , so 12 years later both were 100% open as per my eye witness looking in with camera on the inside during a clot attack in 2012. I have taken EDTA again in 2023 and serrapeptase again this year just as a precaution. No symptoms.

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Thanks for your responses, Keith!

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Wow! So you finished off those bottles and that was it? I assume you're not talking about blood clots, so do you mean plaque?

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