Supporting Musk in any shape or form is a massive turn off for me. Like the Vichy French, I can see no good that can come of it. The main reason, is every cent he makes from free content and advertising revenue helps those who oppose the democratic rights of the electorate’s interests. His tax benefits and subsidies just drive more inequality and injustice. The lie of his Green tech and rockets is the support he gets from other fascist corporations who do the same, like energy and arms ones for power from capital exploration and violence.

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I do not do it with an easy stomach. But then again, my medicine to keep my alive is dispensed by a pharmacy owned by a billionaire who wants to privatise healthcare. Should I change to another friendlier to public healthcare. Perhaps but where are they? All things owned by the 1% are corrupt and antidemocratic. Life for the poor is about compromise after compromise that diminishes their life expectancies or quality of life. The whole system is now rigged to favour the billionaires and without dramatic change rather than symbolic protests democracies gig will soon be up and never to return again. I might also argue that the music for democracy stopped a long time ago but legacy media needs to pretend it's still going to turn a profit.

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