JM Smith

Your post today definitely depresses me. You have written what I have been feeling for a while: “Every election coming in the next three years will not be a battle between darkness and light but between darkness and dusk. It's why fascism will ultimately win.” I dread 2024 because I cannot depend on the corporate Democratic Party to do what is necessary to get people to come out and vote for them. I have no illusions that we are voting between good and bad. In too many ways, the vote is between bad and worse, but a Fascist dictatorship is infinitely worse than anything a corporate Democratic Party will do. I am old. I like my life but I am actually hoping to die in my sleep sooner rather than later and so take “the easy way out.”

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I know it is depressing and I am really hope I am wrong. But I don't think there is any optimistic end for this or us. I have friends in the US and they are fearful of what is unfolding so rapidly now. It is in everyone country. It is inescapable and that is the scary thing.

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This is what an investor shareholder ceo billionaire corporcratic global coups of the west looks like, they I believe have back room deals with brics to sell us out so they can teach brics leaders how to do capitalism at the expense of their peoples labours. They will do to theirs what they did to us promise levelling up. They get to live and hold power over the east and south

. We get to dissolve into the 3rd world all for sustainable development. That’s the reality imho. Not sure why you delete my posts. But I’m beginning to get irritated by it

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I am not deleting your posts. But will see if there is a glitch.

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No but every other one

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All my posts on my suicide attempt and treatment vanished

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80 re Caitlin

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I can’t even post my todays peices of writing in your feed do I’m unsubscribing now. No one has bothered to try and help me understand why I can’t get the editor in this site to work correctly I’m done . I spend £20 on you was spending £90 on cailtlin til she turned her back in the social issues and £60 on another 3 but I’m unabled ti write under my own bloody name or share copies of my own writings in some peoples feeds. It’s £290 I spent and frankly I have realised that this site is enabling poor voices to be shut out as writers are encouraged to profit and they are encouraged to shut people out of chats and sharing posts in comments if they can’t pay. Guess that means even the fake left will shut us all out. I have people who have subscribed to me as a result of my comments but I can’t get the editor to work right or share . So I’m done and unsubscribing . Effectively only the rich will speak.

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I have posted about 4 and all vanished .

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From this thread?

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