When I read the summary of Labour’s manifesto I noted the almost 1980’s neoliberalism tone. What struck me most is Labour’s very clear message to the wealthy, “get your spare money bags ready because I’m going to see that the poor and the working class fill them.” Starmer is focussing on “growth” and “improved productivity”. Since the 1970s productivity has “improved” by about 1000 times, growth has been enormous, yet the poor are poorer and there are more of them, the working class now work longer hours for less real terms pay, the middle class has been almost eliminated, all public services are in worse shape, but the 1% have repeatedly broken wealth accumulation records even as they have demonstrated their gross incompetence. Starmer’s manifesto will bleed every last penny out of the many to give to the few. One can only hope it leads, finally, to revolution.

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Jun 15Liked by JM Smith

The Labour Party has not been fit for purpose since it dumped Corbyn. He was a hope for the future, Starmer is just a reminder of how bad things have become.

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It's depressing that so many people continue to play the two party game, voting against the party they hate instead of giving their vote to the candidate who would best represent them. If Starmer's constituents have any sense they will vote for Andrew Feinstein on July 4th.

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