Unfortunately we need more people to understand that the rich and powerful are not their friends.

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We also need people to wake up tp the fact that political parties are not their friends either. All of them follow the globalist agenda.

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Yes. From Fascist Daddy to the Lefty Messiah, we need to stop waiting to be saved and start being the change we want to see in the world.

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I wish I'd had the chance to meet Harry...his prescient words left such a lasting impression.

What's most remarkable to me is how every group ensnarled by Trump failed to see the obvious traps.

Red state voters, deliriously cheering a month ago, are watching as their largest employers: federal government and universities are forced into accelerating layoffs, Infrastructure Act dollars evaporate, and large portions of the safety net crumble.

Latinos were certain Trump would respect Dreamers, birthright curizenship, and TPS status.

Farmers believed Trump when he said tariffs wouldn't harm them (never mind those whose promised Infrastructure aid and USAID funds are frozen, possibly permanently), and the deportation impact hasn't yet been realized.

Veterans who believed Trump's faux-patriotism are watching Veterans' benefits eviscerated.

Small business owners are watching as their pathway to loans and free training is gutted.

Pro-Palestinian voters (understandably horrified by Biden's unconscionable actions) somehow believed that Trump would augur in peace.

Young men, so certain Trump would deliver a future of crypto riches and beautiful women...well, enough said.

CEOs, so overjoyed at the prospect of enhanced tax cuts are witnessing the first bell of a collapse of consumer confidence. People are tightening their belts. Prices will drop, layoffs will increase, unemployment will rise...rinse and repeat.

SCOTUS, so arrogantly cruel in its contemptuous rulings (disregarding stare decisis and manipulating facts) is staring down the barrel of an inevitable flaunting of its authority by Trump...rendering it null and void.

Wall Street, so high on its own supply, will watch as consumer withdrawal, erratic tariffs, crypto and AI bubble bursts decimate the markets.

Billionaires will be the last to realize that Trump views their lot much as Putin does. He'll demand ever-greater bribes, and change his mind on a whim. As his power grows, the instruments to punish will also increase.

It's all so obvious, and it's all so inevitable.

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SCOTUS, made Americans feel trapped, betrayed and hopeless with their ruling in the case against #45. All I’m hearing is we will have to trust our justice system. Those people are forgetting that we trusted the justice system the first time and look where that got us.

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