the single most contributing factor of the coming planetary collapse will be the heinous world

order’s attempt to establish complete control over the populace prior to the ultimate climate catastrophe shit hitting the fan… they are very fearful of not being in control…

or as ‘kurt’ would say, “the feces hitting the airconditioner “

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(that’s vonnegut)

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Unfortunately America has to make a decision! Mr Biden who really does appear to have the onset of Dementia or something more serious with his cognitive abilities, or Mr Trump who will more than likely cause WW111 with his arrogance. Then just look at what we have to choose from in the UK a Tory party full of Crooks that screwed the country or an idiot who lies every time he opens his mouth a person who is just so untrustworthy ( he broke every pledge he made to become labour party leader and he has broken every pledge since,his Manifesto for PM General Election is already being watered down or just being ripped up. Both America and Britain deserve a Leader not a Follower! Someone who will stand for their own Country's interests not Israels I'm sorry if this offends but please just look at what's happening! After WW11 it was said " Never Again " meaning the Holocaust, but what are the Israeli government under Netanyahu doing to the Palestinians? A Nakba? Or can we just call it what it is a Damn Holocaust! Genocide and both our Government's are Complicit by enabling the Israelis by giving financial aid and Arms. No matter who in America or Britain gets elected its going to be one or the other they will carry on funding the Genocide of the Palestinians! And at the same time create a tension not seen for 80 years in the middle east and Russia. Ergo WW111

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I think Biden will be the one causing WWlll, look around, what do you see, the US stirring things up in Taiwan, the US trying to escalate the war in Ukraine, another proxy to keep Putin occupied, the rhetoric from NATO, defensive force my a**e, what has Biden done about the Genocide in Gaza, oh yes.. "Israel has a right to defend itself" that's all we got, I remember Trump having talks with North Korea, or am I missing something..I'm not a Trump fan, but ideology, and hatred of the "other side" is part of the problem, it clouds peoples judgement, not that Biden is in any way, shape or firm "left wing" anyway, the xmchoice before the US is a terrible one

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I wholeheartedly agree!

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Jun 28Liked by JM Smith

Me too.

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Thank you for the restack Sir.

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My pleasure!

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No need for working class Americans to worry. You know the kind-hearted leaders care for you: "CARTOON: Democrats Announce AMAZING Biden Replacement!"


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You’ve nailed it John 😭😭😭

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Yes, and I remember watching the video of Donald sitting down at the state dinner then, with tales of how Windsor Castle (where they were eating) was bombed by the Nazis and how awful it was -and then he sat down and ate. I also know that Biden was poisoned/infected, last night, and we’re pretending like he wasn’t.

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and under ‘energetic attack’…

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By escape plan, do you mean escape the country?

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In America, we shoot to kill the immigrants, and during the pandemic you were either homeless or you were scamming to make up for it. China is scamming billions

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