Sep 9Liked by JM Smith

I agree absolutely that when Corbyn threatened to make the rich pay their taxes, he was done for! As to believing in socialism, I fear I am rather more negative about human nature. There's no shortage of voters out there who look at a sociopath like Boris Johnson and see themselves represented.

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All so depressingly true. This current iteration of the Labour Party continues the neoliberalist Blairism and offers no hope to the people, who want democracy and equality.

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It was obvious to anyone with a mind of their own that JC was a marked man. BBC especially had it in for him from the off.

In the recent election Starmer's Labour party got less votes than when Corbin was leader... They only won because the Terrible tory vote collapsed and went to Farage and co. This was glossed over by the media ASAP.

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True, and depressing. However, the lesson this teaches is to target the billionaire class directly, especially when they try to hide their hands behind "influencers", media, and politicians like Starmer and his "No-Longer Labour". Corbyn, for all his attributes, is still only one man; and men can be vilified and villainized and neutralized, politically.

The real power lies in a Party, and its ideas, for which mere wealth and the men it buys have no real answer. Corbyn's enemies own this present system; therefore they must answer for every cruelty and flaw it displays. And they are only men, too.

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Sep 10Liked by JM Smith

Paradox of empire. Neoliberalism is hollowing out military industrial capacity as well.

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Sep 10Liked by JM Smith

Always well written and making a very powerful point

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Sep 9Liked by JM Smith

TYPO: next to last paragraph has the sentence, “I was always about ensuring the wealth of this planet is held in the hands of plutocrats, billionaires and the lackeys who strangle people's aspirations for a better way of doing government.” You probably want to change “I” to “It.”

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Cheers I thought I actually had it went to publish. But see now tgat was not the case.

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Brilliant, well thought out article 👏

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