Well said, John. This is the endgame of neoliberalism, evil system that it is and always has been.

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spot on!

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Don’t forget about the CHURCH! Spewing lies while collecting people’s life savings as they get the cushy 501-3c tax exemption from the government, their PIMP🤡🌎🙏 Soon you will see, the church is the whore of Babylon the great. Blessings🙏

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Brilliant description of our current position in time.

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One characteristic feature of fascism is the division of labour between corporate power and government power. But I dont find much reflection on this, neither in the corporate media nor in the independent media. What would be your take on this?

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Sadly it's the same thing, governments are powered by corporate power. Payed off, bribery to get their way.

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