Thanks for this John. This is the most cogent, simply stated descriptions I’ve seen, of what we face in coming years. Nonetheless, I hope you find some moments of peace and joy over the holiday. In the new year, the struggle continues!

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Cheers and I will. May you also have a happy and joyful holiday season. Take care, John

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Mr. Smith, you've written quite clearly and cogently here. I only hope that the "citizens" (i.e., consumers) who voted for this trumpery will wake up and see the evil put into action by their choice. When the trumpery (and I mean that both in the sense of Trump and his entourage and "philosophy" of fellow authoritarians, and in the sense of "showy but worthless finery; nonsense, rubbish; and deception, trickery, and fraud" - American Heritage Dictionary, 5th ed.), starts affecting people, especially trumpery voters, it is my sincerest hope that they look around and notice that EVERYONE *not* wealthy and entitled is in the same boat, regardless of race, creed, color, gender, etc. The people who are actually gaining at their expense are the 1% (or fewer) who dominate the political sphere via what a friend of mine has called "the corporate capture of the government."

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Thanks again. I only wish I could write like you do. Succinct Brutal and truthful.

I’m wondering if you yourself have any ideas on organising and the Revolution to come?

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I fear we're a generation away from a true populist revolution that will overturn the neoliberal order.

The first step has been the distrust in corporate media, which has spread rapidly...allowing both propaganda and unvarnished truth to spread.

The misery of fascism won't be appreciated until it affects those who believed they were immune.

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As ever I agree with you absolutely. However, I cannot forget that ordinary people enabled the elites and their puppet media through their votes and their unquestioning consumption of said media. As George Orwell said, people who elect corrupt officials are not victims but accomplices.

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