The Green & Pleasant Land tells a true story about the lives of working-class people who lived during a time of political and economic catastrophe during the decade leading up to WW2.
The British ruling classes still have an affinity for fascism. They far prefer it to either paying their fair share or ameliorating the class system that places them at the top of the heap. For them, it seems the injustice is the whole point.
But it was the working-class that voted for Brexit (against their own interests), just as the working-class in the US voted for Trumpism that will cement massive income inequality for a generation.
The British ruling classes still have an affinity for fascism. They far prefer it to either paying their fair share or ameliorating the class system that places them at the top of the heap. For them, it seems the injustice is the whole point.
But it was the working-class that voted for Brexit (against their own interests), just as the working-class in the US voted for Trumpism that will cement massive income inequality for a generation.
You are right, it's entirely the fault of those with the least power and privilege.