The NHS is something the Tory scam of trickle down economics has been planning to destroy since the days of Thatcher and her good buddy Ronald Reagan! Selling the americans and British populations a heaping spoonful of crap, they were assured if we give tax cuts to the wealthiest, we'll make more money which will trickle down to the poorest amongst us. NONSENSE!

This is supply side economics (A bunch of malarky) where the rich get richer, lower tax revenue means a loss in services to The People (austerity) and the most vulnerable along with a clear growing income inequality between the Maker's (worker's) and the top 1% & corporations (Taker's) who hoard their billions to be passed on to their heirs!

In the US we've got a for-profit healthcare system with a nearly non-existent safety net because rugged individualism is what life's about, no handouts for anyone not even hungry kids at school! Poverty kills at least 500 hundred people per day here, many because they can't afford to.pay and if the.medicine to save your life is too expensive, well too bad, so sad, YOU DIE!

Hang on to the NHS, strengthen your healthcare for all, grow it for the people, all.of the people! If the Tories manage to destroy the NHS you will return to the past! Tell them We Won't Go Back!💙✌🌹😏Ella

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Sep 8Liked by JM Smith

I would also have been dead by now if not for our NHS. Neoliberalism is a massive scam - I felt it in 1979 although I didn't know what to call it then. Unfortunately it is implemented and enforced by the rich and powerful and believed by the foolish and the gullible.

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It's exactly who we're fighting against now! The super wealthy!💙✌🌹😏Ella

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It’s tragic that the party that gave birth to public healthcare and the NHS in the UK is now the party that will lower it into the ground and start throwing dirt on it.

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It is such a betrayal of all those who went before them and built the NHS to free people of sickness and want.

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Sep 8Liked by JM Smith

Once again, an important critique of where we are, and where we're heading

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I would of, so much loved to have had the privilege of meeting your father, such a knowledgeable, kind, compassionate Man. Its so Sadly lacking today in most. Very powerful words of wisdom.

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